The James Randi Educational Foundation has always placed education at the core of its mission to promote critical thinking and provide the public with the tools needed to reliably examine paranormal, supernatural, and pseudoscientific claims. Now, more than ever, the JREF is committed to providing teachers, parents, and students with the resources they need to promote critical thinking, science appreciation, and information literacy, while raising awareness about the need to critically examine unproven claims.
| E-Books |
The JREF publishes new digital-only releases and enhanced versions of important classic and contemporary works of critical thinking literature. Download these e-books and watch for additional titles and formats to be made available soon.
| Classroom Modules |
JREF Classroom modules are free (usually downloadable) and offer lessons that address areas scientific skepticism, and critical thinking through investigations of paranormal, pseudoscientific, and fringe claims. The activities will be fun, easy to introduce, tailored to one or two class periods, address national educational standards and benchmarks, and offer supplemental resources and media through our website.
| Video Library |
In an effort to make our extensive video library available online free of charge, The James Randi Educational Foundation is posting high quality digital video lectures and sessions from previous Amaz!ng Meetings and other events.
| E-Books |
The JREF publishes new digital-only releases and enhanced versions of important classic and contemporary works of critical thinking literature. Download these e-books and watch for additional titles and formats to be made available soon.
| Classroom Modules |
JREF Classroom modules are free (usually downloadable) and offer lessons that address areas scientific skepticism, and critical thinking through investigations of paranormal, pseudoscientific, and fringe claims. The activities will be fun, easy to introduce, tailored to one or two class periods, address national educational standards and benchmarks, and offer supplemental resources and media through our website.
| Video Library |
In an effort to make our extensive video library available online free of charge, The James Randi Educational Foundation is posting high quality digital video lectures and sessions from previous Amaz!ng Meetings and other events.
| The Astrological Horoscope Experiment |
Randi's famous experiment to demonstrate horoscopes and the Forer Effect. See the video here. The generic horoscope can be downloaded here.
Randi's famous experiment to demonstrate horoscopes and the Forer Effect. See the video here. The generic horoscope can be downloaded here.