The pseudoscience show "Ghost Hunters" has influenced thousands to start their own paranormal investigation group and do stuff completely wrong. Is the para-reality genre on its way out, finally? Syfy channel moves away from such paranormal silliness but not after hosting the premier paranormal show for the last several years. Should Ghost Hunters be celebrating success?
By Everett A. Themer
With the start of a new season, members of the ghost hunting group TAPS are celebrating ten years of their television show “Ghost Hunters” airing on the SyFy network. After a decade of episodes both fans and critics can look back on the series and see that it has given nothing of significant value to the paranormal community. Over the course of the show’s run, viewers have watched a group of self-proclaimed ghost hunters morph from investigators claiming to promote a scientific approach towards explaining the paranormal to a group of over-grown teenagers who spend too much time trying to scare each other and betting on who will stick what body part into some dark and dingy space.
By Everett A. Themer
With the start of a new season, members of the ghost hunting group TAPS are celebrating ten years of their television show “Ghost Hunters” airing on the SyFy network. After a decade of episodes both fans and critics can look back on the series and see that it has given nothing of significant value to the paranormal community. Over the course of the show’s run, viewers have watched a group of self-proclaimed ghost hunters morph from investigators claiming to promote a scientific approach towards explaining the paranormal to a group of over-grown teenagers who spend too much time trying to scare each other and betting on who will stick what body part into some dark and dingy space.